What guests said
about their experience
What the industry said
about Shakespeare and Wine
“Wine and food matching is old hat and putting drink with music so last year; the latest thing is booze and poetry. […] ‘Shakespeare and Wine’ […] unsurprisingly consists of someone reading Shakespeare while you drink specially-chosen wine. Not just anyone though, at each event the lines will be declaimed by a trained actor alongside wines chosen by a top sommelier […]”
Master of Malt
“All of the wines are locally sourced from small and middle-sized producers from Italy, Spain, and other countries. As we taste the cheeses, all of which are delicious and some quite outstanding, Benedict reads sonnets from a great big book. […] Benedict’s reading helps tease out the meaning, along with his explanations, and as we glide through the delicious wines, from sparkling, to white to red, his help is increasingly appreciated. We move from light, cheerful sonnets and wine to the darker sonnets and appropriately dark wines. Yes, the wines do match the poetry; like the poems they rhyme, scan and make sense.”
21 June, 2021
Matching Wine, Shakespeare Sonnets And Cheese
You’ve sat patiently through the new album, which you’ve only heard once before the show, you’ve stirred fitfully in your seat for the oldies, but now it’s the’hit’ and you’re on your feet waving a cigarette lighter and cheering.
21 June, 2021
The Nightcap: 12 July
It’s Friday which means it’s time for the news. This week we’ve go a celeb booze special with Jon Bon Jovi, Breaking Bad, Charlie Sheen and cocktails named after your favourite Tory politicians. Plus two Johnnie Walker stories. Double trouble.
What our guests said
about their experience
“It is highly recommended to everyone who is looking for something unique.”
„The atmosphere is extraordinary. Amazing night!”
„Something I’ve never seen before. Great.”
„A joyous, informative, totally special new form of entertainment.”
„Loved the wine. Loved the poetry. Just loved it.”
„Something I’ve never seen before. Great.”